The LV Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Leadership Victoria, focuses on community development to address social, environmental and economic disadvantage. Through Leadership Victoria, The LV Foundation develops community leaders through scholarship programs, supports transformational community projects, and harnesses an extensive network of LV Alumni and partners to tackle issues of disadvantage.


See the impact of leadership scholarships 

Leadership Victoria is extremely proud of the outlook and achievements of our scholarship awardees and grateful for the commitment of LV alumni and supporters.  

Read more about our inspiring scholarship awardees in our 2023 Scholarships Report.

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The LV Foundation drives change through the following activities:

Scholarship Fund: providing scholarships to staff, directors and members of community organisations to participate in leadership development programs.

Community Projects: funding programs to coordinate pro-bono specialists to assist community organisations, mentor programs to support developing community leaders, establishing Communities of Practice to bring people with a common purpose together and support them to share, develop and transfer knowledge.

Collective Impact Major Projects: establishing collective impact cross-sector and philanthropic partnerships to tackle major community issues through innovative projects and programs.

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The LV Foundation welcomes:

  • Individual donations of any amount
  • Major gifts
  • Bequests
  • Philanthropic grants

Donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax receipt.

[lv_empty_space space_size=”24″][lv_heading tag=”h3″ text_align=”text-left” heading=”Life-Changing Scholarships”][lv_text_content text_size=”lv-richtext-normal”]Our social impact is further strengthened by the scholarships provided through the LV Foundation. These scholarships enable people from underrepresented communities to participate in Leadership Victoria’s programs, developing leadership capability across Victoria’s richly diverse communities.

We’re proud to have been founded by philanthropy and we’re extremely appreciative of the generosity of our donors who support the LV Foundation scholarships. Without this extra support these aspiring leaders would not be able to benefit from the opportunity our programs provide and amplify their ability to make a difference, fulfil their purpose and have an impact in their community, Victoria and beyond.[/lv_text_content]

[lv_big_cta color=”magenta” btn_text=”Donate Now” btn_link=”” heading=”Support the LV Foundation”][lv_big_cta heading=”Support the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Scholarship” btn_text=”Donate Now” btn_link=””]
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[lv_quote quote_text=”Being awarded the scholarship for the Folio program was a huge bonus because the cost of the program was beyond our budget. To have access to a quality leadership program enabled me to take a bird’s eye view of our organisation and compare and learn from others. I visited places I would never have considered relevant to the context I work, yet visiting ‘irrelevant’ organisations has produced fresh ideas and changed my thinking.” citation_text=”Amanda Donohoe, 2018 Recipient, Folio Alumni Scholarship”]