Leadership for an Equitable, Inclusive and Sustainable Society

As the foremost leadership organisation in Victoria, Leadership Victoria has been delivering unique programs for 35 years, including our flagship Williamson Community Leadership Program, creating a diverse network of over 7000+ Alumni. We mobilise leaders to take the next step in their leadership journey and create meaningful impact in their organisations, communities and beyond.

Leadership Victoria brings together diverse perspectives, life experiences, backgrounds and opinions, builds the capacity of leaders as they share, collaborate and learn in a crucible environment, and creates a trusted, enduring peer connection and a strong commitment to community.
Graduates of our flagship Williamson Community Leadership Program and our open enrolment short course programs are in key leadership roles across Victoria and beyond.
Leadership Victoria also partners with many business, government and community organisations to co-design and deliver customised programs for leaders at all levels, supporting organisational and systemic transformation.




Williamson Community Leadership Program​

The Williamson Community Leadership Program is a unique, immersive, 10-month long program for experienced leaders.

 For 35 years, the program has brought together a diverse group of leaders from business, government, not-for-profit, academia and philanthropy.

Often described as life-changing, the Williamson Community Leadership Program expands the way leaders see the world and transforms the way they exercise leadership. It pushes them to experiment – continually challenging how and why they lead – while building a trusted, life-long network. Program graduates, or Williamson Fellows, join our Alumni community of almost 7,000 leaders from across sectors, industries, backgrounds, identities and life experiences.

Change The Way You Lead

Examine your beliefs, values and assumptions about leadership, and identify areas for development, so that you can become a more impactful leader.

Create Enduring Networks

Understand the value of building strategic personal and professional networks, and forge deep connections with peers from across all sectors.
  • Zeynep Sertel (WCLP ‘18)
    The journey I have taken with Williamson Leadership Program has increased my skills as a leader to a new level. The opportunities provided to look into different community issues, and have discussions with community leaders with varying expertise, allowed me to understand the needs of my community from different perspectives.

    Zeynep Sertel (WCLP ‘18)

    Principal, Ilim College
  • David Knowles (WCLP ‘19)
    Williamson has encouraged me to look inwardly at what’s really important and provided me with a toolbox of skills, techniques and tools which I can apply in my everyday leadership roles. I feel better able to diagnose complex and adaptive challenges and intervene skilfully to make a genuine impact.

    David Knowles (WCLP ‘19)

    Non-Executive Director, Health Education Australia Limited (HEAL), Wallara Australia and Australasian Institute of Clinical Governance (AICG)
  • Wendy Sanderson (WCLP’16)
    The opportunity for self-reflection and recalibration has been worth its weight in gold. It has been a journey towards a deeper understanding of my own value system, and how authentic leadership can drive change. The program gave me an opportunity to understand the drivers of opposing and seemingly impossible positions and find common and constructive ground.

    Wendy Sanderson (WCLP’16)

    Manager, Independent Review Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
  • Leadership Victoria is an ever-present provocateur. Their team is always looking to create a level of discomfort, to challenge our world views, and to demonstrate how this can help develop better community leaders and positive change. Folio has really challenged me to with why I want to make a difference.

  • Michelle Blyth (FCLP ‘16)
    I became aware of many complex and diverse thinking leaders within the LV program. As a result, a profound learning was my personal journey, increased self-awareness of biases and blind spots, and discovering the power of regular self-reflection. This has allowed my leadership style to shift benefiting me personally and at an enterprise level.

    Michelle Blyth (FCLP ‘16)

    Managing Director, Cremorne Street Bakers
  • It has been the most engaging study I have done for 20 years – I have even thoroughly enjoyed the pre-reading. It has been interesting to get an awareness of broader social challenges and deepen my understanding of leadership.

  • I’ve certainly grown as an individual and a leader thanks to LV…I can’t identify a single profound moment throughout the year, as each program gave so much – insight to the complexity of social issues, challenges facing the leaders trying to influence the agenda, and the unrelenting passion of those involved. Each experience left me richer.

Programs for Emerging and Established Leaders

Trusted By


Supporting Lifelong Leadership Through Scholarships

Leadership scholarships provide life-changing opportunities to emerging and established leaders who would not otherwise be able to access high-calibre personal and professional development. It’s not just about the individual – our scholarship recipients utilise  their leadership skills for the ongoing benefit of their organisations and communities.   

Ensuring a diverse range of voices in LV programs enriches every participant’s experience, builds enduring networks across sectors and increases awareness, amplifying individual and collective leadership impact.  

 Read more about the inspiring work of our scholarship recipients in our 2022 Scholarships Report and 2023 Yearbook.