3 Tips For Leading In An Ongoing Crisis

We recently caught up with Chris Kotur, Leader in Residence for Leadership Victoria, who shares some great tips for leading in this ongoing crisis and how we might reframe the way we engage with these challenging times.


1. Looking after you

It may sound simple but it’s incredibly important. Vicarious trauma is a very real thing, even if you are not directly affected by these challenging times, it’s the long build-up of negative experiences which can take its toll on your resilience.


2. Adapting to the never-ending uncertainty

We are dealing with the raw and honest reality of never returning to ‘normal’. Adapting to that uncertainty is going to be challenging but incredibly important.


3. Make small, easy and observable steps

Due to the scale of change that we are facing, we need to make small, easy, and observable steps. One theme is to continue investing in strategic planning. Hold those plans loosely and increase the frequency of checking in, so that you have the infrastructure in place to adapt rather than enduring and waiting for that return to normality.


Chris is a well known and trusted adviser to chief executives, directors, board members and senior leaders. She is a specialist facilitator for board induction and strategic planning and has many years experience in strengthening community leadership.

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